These files are actually of the golden master build.
While the "Software Update" section in Settings is by far the easiest way to update to iOS 12, you can also choose to download the IPSW file of iOS 12 and install it on your iPhone using iTunes. To see all of what's new, jump down to the release notes below or check out our more in-depth iOS 12 features roundup. The easiest way is to just open up the Settings app on your iPhone, tap "General," then select "Software Update." When the update is available, it will show as "iOS 12," so just download and install it using the on-screen prompts. Just make sure to save an archived backup of iOS 11.4.1 via iTunes on your computer Just back up using iTunes and store the backup on your computer, then open "Preferences" in iTunes, select "Devices," then right-click on the backup file of iOS 11.4.1 and select "Archive." Method 1: Update OTA from Settings

12, the day of Apple's 2018 special event. 17, and it's the same exact build that developers and public beta testers received as the "golden master" on Sept.

Apple's latest mobile operating system for iPhones, iOS 12, was released to everyone Monday, Sept.