PEI specializes in long-term relationships where each customer is vital to our success. All of our customers are “customers for life,” and we use our partnerships and experience to help them drive real business results. This definition explains the meaning of Skype for Business, formerly called Microsoft Lync Server, and how it enables online meetings, video conferencing. We understand that every organization’s Unified Communications journey is unique, and we deliver value by working with you to understand your business objectives and mapping out your technology to enhance these goals. We focus our hiring efforts on mid- to senior-level engineers, housing a team with over 120 years of combined experience. PEI has been a Microsoft Gold Partner since 2005, and our engineers hold multiple Gold and Silver Microsoft Unified Communications Certifications. PEI is also one of the only SOF partners with packages targeted at the small to midsized organization. Microsoft chose PEI as one of only 14 initial SOF partners, recognizing PEI as a leader in delivering Microsoft Solutions. As a SOF partner, PEI can guide you through the complete Skype for Business lifecycle of planning, deploying, and operating to ensure that Skype for Business is implemented and managed correctly for optimum performance. The Microsoft Skype Operations Framework (SOF) is Microsoft’s multi-faceted approach for successful deployment of and migration to Skype for Business. Microsoft Skype Operations Framework Partner